Inspiring Shakespeare quotes

As the most well-known writer in the English language, Shakespeare was often regarded as England’s national poet. Here are some inspiring words from the Bard of Avon himself.

On Nature

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” – William Shakespeare

“One touch of nature,” said from Ulysses to Achilles in the play Troilus and Cressida, actually meant how mankind forgets past glories. Taken in modern interpretation by itself however, this quote could easily mean that once men are awakened, they feel closer in relationship to each other.

When It Rains It Pours

“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” – William Shakespeare

When it rains it pours. Obviously Shakespeare knew that. Sometimes your life delivers several blows at once with little room to breathe between them. Instead of one problem you get an entire host of challenges. Worry not, this too shall pass. Stay strong and you’ll make it out of any sorrows.

The Power of Hope

“The miserable have no other medicine, but only hope.” – William Shakespeare

When you are stuck in misery the best medicine is to keep hold of some kind of hope. The idea that things can and will get better is a balm to the weary soul. Sometimes just the hope of something different is the only thing that keeps you moving forward one step at a time.

On Suspicion

“Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.” – William Shakespeare

Those that are guilty of wrong doing often project their suspicions onto others. Maybe this is because they assume other people operate at a distrustful level like themselves, or maybe it is to try and avoid others being suspicious of them. Be wary if you know someone who is overly suspicious.

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